Harlem native, rapper Jim Jones is known for consistently hustling to find new ways to expand his empire. With the success of his clothing line, Vampire Life, Capo is venturing off into to new waters to keep the lifestyle brand going strong. His newest endeavor? Vamp Soda.
Check out the behind the scenes footage of Jim Jone's photo shoot for Vamp Soda after the jump!
Shot on the streets of Uptown Harlem, Jones recently headed a photo shoot for Vamp Soda. Posted up in front of a bodega with Vamp Soda displayed in the window while accompanied by models and bikers decked out in all Vampire Life attire, the shoot showcased the fast life and luxury of the Vamp lifestyle to a T. The photo shoot, shot by photographer, Andrew Fennell, brought the hood out in true Capo fashion all to get a taste of the new Vamp Berry soda.
Footage shot by: A Rob Lee Visual
Miz Kane